“Toss The Coffee,” As Muslim Response to journalism’s Four Prong Report by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY reported for DatGEETV

By InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford

A journalist broadcaster’s dream happened today. The targeted person like sitting in an on-sue interview tossed his cup of coffee at the Broadcaster’s camera avoiding the inquiry, questions and the on-air display of his views. Every journalist who is a professional want to experience that as an example of hard-nose journalism that goes AFTER their topics and subjects and the people, the crimes along with life newsworthy events.

The incident occurred to Terry Dwayne Ashford as a targeted journalist by a downlow community who was told to follow the journalist to carry out indecencies, social injustices and crimes. As professionalism would have it, the renowned journalist broadcast of DatGEETV, DaTGuY Television, BlabberNEWS Magazine and DaTGuY Radio said, “Make my day”. And thus came the coffee he was using to get the Hispanic man who had blocked airing up the front driver side tire of the gas station’s air pump.

Reported as a professional stand-out moment for Terry Dwayne Ashford in journalism and streetNOW News reporting on crime – this incident goes down as a profound professional moment showing the formidable InDaCarSeat DaTGuY journalistic prowess and power of Terry Dwayne Ashford. Good at journalism however does not berate his capability as just as good professional proposal project manager which uses these journalistic skills.

The video of the bike riding man who rushed to the gas station to get the Hispanic man shows on YouTube. For your reference, a person like even the disguised gay man friend named Shongo would have resulted in the same in the home with the journalist.

The exact same would have happened and there would have met not a wife but a man who would have KILLED or being killed- resulting in a homicide. How do I know – cuz every black man who has been in that position with Terry Dwayne Ashford – tried the exact same thing as he had no clue thinking the incident was isolated and wouldn’t happen again. William Nolen tried. Herb Hunt tried. Al Scott tried. Every black man that InDaCarSeat DaTGuY has allowed in his presence tried to strike the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY as they would have a woman. And found that WOE back the shit up – he is not a woman. Their blows were found to have been greater. And they didn’t try it again. Every last one in my memory and every last one in my sister’s lives with black men in their presence. Wow. In hindsight.

As all is aware of the knife and the pool table, then another at the same pool table with a wine bottle, and the pistol 🔫 to the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY’s head in Atlanta, and even shot and missed-we have confirmation that every last black man that was dated in innocence and belief not knowing they all were a GAY GANG, tried to strike or kill Terry Dwayne Ashford. When in a relationship one think that is love. One chased behind me in a speeding car after telling me I couldn’t leave. When I left he tried to crash into the car. At the time I was like “Damn BITCH was the sex that good?” And I thought “okay he just in love”. In hindsight now – fuck no it was all black men. That always happened after I let them top me- They went goddamn crazy.

In hindsight it wasn’t love it was control and seeing a property.

Well I guess I do understand now – learning that they have been forced to whites. See when you are resorted to having something you don’t want – just like I would when you get that you do want – you actually go nuts. Most want a black man-just like me-and went they got one they went crazy trying to keep’em. See the difference in topping flabby button when you really want a man – is in the hardness of the man. The softness we get from women. But when we want a man – we want the man hardness and challenge and fun man-time. Running around thinking you competing with a woman – is NOT what a man does.

Now we close the reporting of the infamous upcoming “LaughLOUD” column topic and the fact that streetNOW News on Crime with InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford has proven once again the Muslim Tactics of Hit Sneak-tip first in lieu of the Broadcast called “Like My Brown Skin” on October 2nd. On the morning of October 3rd the black man that followed behind InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, stating “Interest” or even “Like” In illiterate formation was a brown skin Muslim man working in the reported scam from days ago.

The black male poorest Muslim appeared in a utilization tool by Washington DC police 👮‍♀️ attack protocols on the progressive blacks which the Police for any reason wants to extort. And that gives the world its explanation of the alleged Rick Ross Swapping and Mimicking schemes. The man in the video uploaded to YouTube appears as a black Male Muslim who tossed coffee ☕️ at the camera, captured in motion of stalking on a bike; captured followed to get a Non-English Speaking Latinos for morning sex; Pinpointed to the October 2nd alleged MPD scheme of the reported “Brown Skin” Attack Plan in Washington DC. In closing that incident, the black Muslim was the description of the driver who crashed the victim’s vehicle; was also the description of the S.O.M.E. Employee; was the description of the family dollar store employee who rushed out from the back office in a mimed mode of glasses and new hairdo as anything other than a MUSLIM upon Terry Dwayne Ashford entering that store early evening approximately five o’clock and has been reported altering her actions in her duty of family dollar; Terry Dwayne Ashford refused that register days before seeing the scam but this day the scam planted a skinny braided haired Gay Guy who went specifically to that black Muslim female’s cash counter as she came OUT appearing to specifically with a set target 🎯 of some goal- a gay male sissy with braids rushed to the register that appeared to have been designed for a hidden plot which InDaCarSeat DaTGuY would NOT know as something would be done from behind the scenes using a fraud person; and lastly it was yet another Muslim brown skin as the description of younger male standing and waiting in the dark outside as the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Ashford shopped in CVS on GA Avenue the night of October 3rd. That Muslim male signaled sex at Terry Dwayne Ashford leaving the store. LoLing SICKOs. LoLing.

LoLing- make us laugh or we gonna make ourselves laugh at you.

The journalist broadcaster’s dream unfolded using the scheme of a Muslim trying to attack the journalist broadcaster: who goes by no other name other than the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford. He is an “Ashford” that the illiteracy of the black Muslims fraudulently pretends their “Interest” or their “Favor” for the Ashfords. And there we have the “Davis’s” in the mimicking schemes of the Ashford’s saying that “They like us!” So we have Ruth B. Marrying into the victims family, following stalking and miming while eavesdropping using a police scanner, and as the Muslim in the Family Dollar store female showed on October 3rd, appeared to be a Christian as Ruth B. Changed her last name – all through the Mocking Wilma Greenwood Ashford. Yes – while following and stalking and trying to steal from her as replicated in a Rick Ross Scheme: Ruth B. who’s daughter stalked Terry Dwayne Ashford in the 11th grade also said: “I like her” in reference to Wilma Greenwood Ashford, referenced as “Like” but actions were in defense instead of being caught. Same as Jon Caudle all low class MUSLIMs-riding the coat-tails of Ashfords wanting to be confused as the ones. LoLing making journalists and the world laugh. Now George Davis is trying to be presumed as Terry Dwayne Ashford, if all goes according to scheme journalism patterns. The same George Davis that is a lot older and tried to be like the journalist’s brother Perry, instead. George Davis is now mocking a different Ashford! Terry instead of Perry.

And that George Mocking comes after his nephew named also Terry tried and failed, after his other Davis nephew Darrell Audrey tried failed and saw his grave, after his Niece Jennifer Tried and failed mocking: and after his other niece Barbara tried and failed getting caught up in Dick in the Woods, after the Officer Davis tried and failed in a DC Officer attempt, and now the one Davis that has followed my brother Perry: now swaps and follow Terry Dwayne Ashford- allllllll my dear people, seeking someone to be swapped in reputation better than theirs in a Rick Ross Scheme alleged to have swapped out originals for the replicated individuals for the fame.

The Rick Ross Scheme was said to have swapped the Rick Ross known publicly with the real Rick Ross born with that name who was locked away in prison. The real Rick Ross is said to be incarcerated inside of a jail hidden as another man took his name and swapped personality. And there you have Ruth B. Changing her name to “Christmas” as Wilma Greenwood Ashford is Christian. LoLing. Journalist findings would support notion that the “Davis’s” are frauds mocking and mimicking an Ashford and going so far as to marry within the Ashford Bloodline trying to mix and merge with the Ashford, as Wilma Greenwood Ashford defied her daughter intertwining with her past husband Thomas Davis. Mom said NO do not bring that scum into our house. Carolyn got mad and married him and took the job offered in bribe by the Davis and that sparked Ruth B to sit and mock her mom, Wilma Greenwood Ashford. Carolyn was given Ruth B’s job so Ruth B could sit home and mock her mother Wilma Greenwood Ashford- caught by Terry Dwayne Ashford listening in on Wilma Greenwood Ashford’s house from the Davis house in Memphis.

Ruth B (Davis) marrying into Wilma’s Newson Family and changing her name to “Christmas”;who is Wilma Greenwood Ashford’s Mocker ( is) the Sister of George Davis, who now swaps to Mock Terry Dwayne Ashford. But George’s mocking of Younger Terry Dwayne Ashford, comes after George failing to successfully mock Terry’s brother named Perry. Tell me that isn’t laughable. LoLing. And that mocking choice by yet another Davis, George this time, was greed: was seeking to get a Rick Ross style incarceration with the recipient receiving fame as the stalkers, and that was in trying to help policemen frame an “Ashford” in specific Wilma Greenwood Ashford, and as failed again we have Officer Davis failed to harass or frame Terry Dwayne Ashford, the journalist broadcaster in Washington DC. Instead got caught for the entire Davis clan on air through YouTube videos via DatGEETV under the journalist broadcaster InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford’s direction.

For everyone! The Davis’s was said to have been the one family who had targeted Ashford aimed to marry within the Ashford’s family. First this Rick Ross Scheme as it appears in hindsight was through a Susan marrying to Dale Ashford. That failed. Then through the Davis’s climbing through windows and sexing Sam’s Wife while Wilma Greenwood Ashford’s oldest son was at work. There may be a son from that through the daughter in law which stemmed in divorce. Then another Davis, a Brother of the first Davis, alleged to have followed and stalked the wife of another Ashford: Dale; and that has rumored to have ended in sex to Dale’s wife while she worked at Carter’s industry in Senatobia which occurred as Dale work included out of town Travel. From that Davis sneak attack, the son of Wilma Greenwood Ashford may have a child with Davis blood in the Ashford’s family through that daughter-in-law. And that came before Carolyn went into the streets and met another Davis, Thomas who tried to marry Carolyn immediately-caught by Wilma Greenwood Ashford and defied the association with a scum. That yielded anger from the Ashford Daughter who sexed: got immediately pregnant and snuck to have married the forbidden fruity Thomas Davis sighting the pregnancy. And this a child was born and was killed of this forbidden union between the stalking Davis sneaking into the Ashford’s pedigree bloodline. Same that Ruth B Davis tried of Wilma Greenwood Ashford.

And then came the youngest and the smaller, beau Terry Dwayne Ashford, InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Journalist Broadcasts🎚. who was supposed to be mocked by a older high school Davis sissy named darelle who became the neighborhood whore before dying of pure AIDS having married first a Terry then to a white nerd boy at dying. Mind you his sister stalked and also was impregnated by another “Terry”. And even Ruth B. Has a son that stalked Terry Dwayne Ashford also named Terry Newson after Ruth B married into Wilma Greenwood Newson Johnson Ashford’s native family – allegedly stalking when the older Davis family setup CAMP next to the Wilma Greenwood Newson Johnson Ashford’s grandmother’s Founded Church. That church today is “Hopewell M.B. Church”. Documents about that church housed in Wilma Greenwood Ashford’s safe was reported as stolen by Carolyn Davis, from the founder’s granddaughter who is Wilma Greenwood Ashford. Carolyn Ashford-Davis is the Daughter who took the bite out of the forbidden fruit and snuck up and married a Davis, Thomas who was taken OUT but in the same time- into his grave. Mom said “Do not bring that man into our house” he was a Davis and ended up marrying Daughter Carolyn. The child was prematurely and almost died at birth. And that Ashford-Davis sneak child was the one killed before his 18th birthday. In hindsight Terry Dwayne Ashford feels the killing is associated with the deceitful bloodline.

And we close with two incidents- Officer Davis’s sneaking from Washington DC Police Precient 4D caught on Video and the October 3rd, Muslim tossing coffee at the camera in the streetNOW News Report by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford. Hahahahaha hehehehehe. And we all see why the Davis’s want to be in the Ashford family. lol trying to trade ASS to get it. Whatever WHORES, not good enough for an Ashford as proven. Mocking is the best a Davis can do.

Y’all the Rick Ross Scheme was supposed to have seen the Davis’s replicated on the Ashford’s skills, beauty and smarts; Just as the alleged real Rick Ross may be a prisoner, with a name and intellectual properties stolen by a man posing as him riding on his development outside the jail where the real Rick Ross may be housed.

And as the streetNOW News on crime Report by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford Speculative announced in broadcast- “Like my Brown Skin” was to be the ploy that yet another Muslim was to get IN where he could have FIT in. That refers to the black Muslim who waited outside the CVS store in Washington DC on GA Avenue, at approximately 7 o’clock between 630 pm and dark. Let’s assume that video was being handed for fraud editing by the management of the CVS (using a Muslim Male), as well as the family Dollar “using a Muslim Female” as a retaliation to the video achieved of the Muslim Male going after the Hispanic at the morning gas ⛽️ station’s air pump. And that Muslim Latino conspiracy was retaliatory of the reported alleged Alley of the Hispanic at Hamilton And 13th street the days before. The Hispanics was retaliating using black Muslims for the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY reporting at the alley on Hamilton seeing the Hispanic, the Pink Purple Scouter and the open-door garage at the Alley where the man stalked InDaCarSeat doing work at the Hamilton hotspot at the playground. And we have it all from the beginning to the end. LoLing make our day bitchwhores. I am an Ashford.

The report was of a man rushing to get white men at Hamilton playground hotspot- and InDaCarSeat DaTGuY ran and got the stalker 👀 photo. That stalker ran into the alley with a Latino waiting to serve him on the corner. That corner was the one marked by the purple pink scouter. The Latino was caught waiting in the alley butt poked UP having left his work site. That report was done on sept 30th and or October 1 – and that report led to the October 3rd Muslim Toss Coffee at the Ashford Journalist Broadcast named Terry Dwayne Ashford. And that “tossing the coffee “ at the journalist’s comers was the expected documented deviant behavior of Muslims which would be used by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY journalist’s in support of the journalist’s Terry Dwayne Ashford’s broad professional on-air broadcaster demeanor of Gaffes made from the LaughLoud Infamous “Toss The Coffee” caught chasing white ass by following InDaCarSeat DaTGuY on video. The InDaCarSeat DaTGuY video is uploaded to YouTube. LoLing by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford for streetNOW News reporting on Crimes in Washington DC. LoLing. Make me laugh. The video of this incident was retaliation of the reporting of the incident at Hamilton Playground hotspot and the alley near the house on the corner of 13th and Hamilton and the Latino in the garage.

All this is still thinking the professional reporter wants SEX with some N8gger – when the reporting is on racism.

And when you thought we were gone – We are there too. 4 and 4; 2 and 2.

The Hamilton Playground Hotspot and the Hispanic at the Rock Creek Park in the gray Toyota Camry tag achieved reported on BlabberNEWS tweet. Photos and the black pick-up open bed truck. Parked up on InDaCarSeat DaTGuY then immediately left. Both vehicles left. The black small pickup truck had in it a lawn mower by which InDaCarSeat DaTGuY used to make jokes for the day. The black pickup open bed truck said something to the silver Toyota Camry Hispanic big hair driver while the pick up driver was a bald Hispanic driver- and that is when they drove off into the park. Guess what came next? Three siren sounding police vehicles rushing into the park in the same directions that the Hispanics rushed to. Heard someone say there was a fist fight in the park. Now we may have a fist fight being falsely aligned to Terry Dwayne Ashford linked by the silver Toyota that parked up on the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY’s car. Guess what we have the photos of all on the BlabberNEWS tweets from the news desk. The three police rushed into the park and we believe the police may be trying to falsify that Terry Dwayne Ashford had a fist fight in the park – as the actual InDaCarSeat DaTGuY was parked being watched by the neighbors who sat out and watched InDaCarSeat DaTGuY in his car while the fist fight may have occurred. After the police left guess who arrived back to the same location and parked afterwards. That was the silver big haired Hispanic tag number achieved on the BlabberNEWS tweet. We have police plot planned to use an editor to edit the silver Toyota Hispanic fight over Terry Dwayne Ashford and was to try to arrest Terry Dwayne Ashford for the Hispanic fight in the park. LoLing. LoLing you bunch of idiots. LoLing.

Got it. The Hispanic staged a fight in the park that was to calmed by police and police was to re-image that stated retaliation to the Hamilton park reporting- to the reporter Terry Dwayne Ashford. And the half-talking illiterate sex feigning Hispanics was to have gotten revenge using dumb Cops on another Ashford by jailing the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY for the SP7CK crazy illiterate uneducated deviant behaviors of angry Hispanics who can’t do shit. The bald Hispanic in the black pickup having a lawn mower in the back, and the silver driving Toyota that backed upon the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY car who returned after all the commotion in the park had ended. That return to the same spot where InDaCarSeat DaTGuY was parked aimed at imagery that would be re-imaged. All caught by the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY journalist broadcaster Terry Dwayne Ashford. Let’s say a fight did ensue at the park which is why the sirens and lighted police rushed to the park. We noticed that one of the police cars appeared to have been DC Blue Protective Services vehicle. LoLing guess what y’all. That appearing to have been protecting the victims- just as mom- would be that vehicle’s justification for arriving at a fight that had nothing at all to do with InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford. The fight if there was one was allegedly staged by the police with the Hispanics of the silver Toyota pictured on BlabberNEWS Magazine Twitter feed. We have it all.

OMGosh these faggits are terrible. That Hispanic ordeal would be linked to the Hispanic retaliation of the reporting at the corner of Hamilton and 13th street that sparked the four reports by InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford- of the four incidents of Muslims Hispanic attacks on Saturday Oct 3rd. All allegedly would be part of falsifying to sabotage Terry Dwayne Ashford.

Four reports and the four incidents on October 3rd include:

“Toss the Coffee” at the cameraman

“Silver Toyota Big Haired Hispanic with the bald Hispanic in the black pickup and lawn mower

The Family Dollar Store re-imaging a extremely thin and siss-fied girly like male using the Muslim Female Employee there between 3 and 6 pm

The CVS on Ga Avenue using a brown skin Muslim there in a re-imaging that the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY would not even be award because the purchase was made and he was gone seeing the Muslim wearing black entering but first signaling to the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY as he was leaving. There is something planned for the use of CVS video that the conspiring police had planned to alter in editing and that was something known by the silver Volvo male who rushed in and stood beside InDaCarSeat DaTGuY in the cvs store. LoLing

Closing out is a fifth using an Uber driver in a small sedan four door car linked to an exact make and model car with black windows which turning right away from the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY and entered the alley on the right of my car in front of the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY at approximately 2 am in the morning. Then minutes later came the Uber driver came minutes later from the opposite end of the alley and turned right towards the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY. Same model make and year of cars with one difference one was an Uber and one was not having dark 100% tinted black windows. We believe something is UP with that too, which InDaCarSeat DaTGuy would not have a clue.

Two Gangs allegedly hosting crimes with intent to re-image as cop 👮‍♀️ led sabotage attempt are:

Hispanics Males


The two stalking locations and crimes there of the two groups intended to sabotage InDaCarSeat DaTGuY Terry Dwayne Ashford:

Hamilton Hotspot Sex trafficking in the alley

The rock Creek Staged Fight by an unknown silver Toyota/black pickup pictured on BlabberNEWS tweet.

The two vehicles that harassed a parked InDaCarSeat DaTGuY at the same locations where the black man allegedly had a gun and said would shoot the innocent person:

Silver Toyota pictured on BlabberNEWS tweet (similar to the Silver Mercury and the Muslim 4D Sargent in Police Vehicle P407 on October 2nd.)

Small older model black pickup with a lawn mower in the back of the open bed truck

The four locations:

CVS Georgia Ave at Van Buren

Family Dollar at Georgia Avenue near Rittenhouse and Sheridan

Exxon Gas station air pump at 10th NE and Michigan Avenue

Rock Creek Parked location at the turning entrance side street of the rock Creek Park.

The four types of fraud incidents as attempted but failed

Re-imaging and falsifying the image of the real person with a fraud one planted while the victim was not even there editing video

Re-imaging the real health through the body of a a sickly unknown person’s body as the healthy strong InDaCarSeat DaTGuY to sabotage jobs on falsified healthcare.

The attack on the person’s rights to get photos of the stalkers that may have been planted by the cop and planned as entrapment.

Re-imaging a fight through linking of a car which was to be posed in a third re-image of cars using the silver Toyota pictured on BlabberNEWS tweet. In this one there would be several re-imaging ploys – the car would link the wrong person to the fight where the victims was no where near. And the person in the silver car big hair may have been the one who fought – who would be re-imaged as the person InDaCarSeat DaTGuY. And that is why the person came back to the location where InDaCarSeat DaTGuY was parked to provide another photo-opportunity for the cops to use in their editing. The silver Toyota was to be in the position of the InDaCarSeat before he fought. Then he was to go fight in the staged event. Then the same silver person was to go back and appear as the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY again by parking in his spot after the fight ended.

All has been squashed and for legal sake we say now “Allegedly”. Now the cops would cease even presenting their fraud claims. Only a journalist broadcaster would be able to handle a corrupted cop working in a governing sense thinking he could win. Naw you can’t win against Divo’s as sons and prince of Divas. You can’t do it. Get over your arrogance.

On the morning after all the MUSLIMs attempts we have the white attempt in a dark colored appearing black Volvo tagged JC0 89R with picture of 🏌️‍♀️ golfing on the tag and the color of the Volvo has been corrected to dark blue not black. InDaCarSeat and the security officer tag is 3DS4368 at the marker of Barnes and noble and that is a black Muslims. Same ones that thought they wanted an Ashford. AshfordliveTALK reports.

We are highlighting the security officer 👮‍♀️ at the corner stone again. A different one but in the same size and shape as the prior none in the corner stone scenic spot. The mocking here is of the booth of the adult bookstore. Met the morning of the report alleged to be the police 👮 again in sex trafficking of humans. The Volvo appears to be pretending to be the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY sniped in his face.

The parking location of the police invoked cornerstone security officer perceived as carrying out deceit on October 4 using the white man in the black volvo is the exact spot of the cop we allegedly caught in the Honda. The police we believe has marked the location right in front of the center electrical socket of Barnes and Noble as the one that sets up sex trafficking. And that socket in the center of the other two has been turned Off by Barnes and Noble-using the parking directly bin front of it as a marker.

Now we take you back to the silver Toyota from October 3rd rock Creek Park mimicking the silver mercury deviance from turkey thicket caught in YouTube. We post the tweets of the silver Toyota pictured on BlabberNEWS Magazines stalking and harassing so they thought a journalist who instead made his day.

Tweet number 1 of the Silver Toyota and the black pickup of a group of Hispanic that was in the arrangement to pose a fight through several re-imaging ploys. https://twitter.com/deskblabbernews/status/1312468334533779456?s=21

Tweet number 2


And tweet number 3


The Volvo rushed to Barnes and Noble and the Toyota rushed to the Shaw library. LoLing both shown below.

And at press time of 727 am we observe the black Nissan suv with green and white tags immediately followed by this white Toyota right here and parked in between the black SUv with green tags and the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY vehicle 🚗 at Shaw library.

Signed InDaCarSeat DaTGuY, Terry Dwayne Ashford.

This report was done and pressed at press time of 5 am on Sunday October 4th, 2020.

Published by Author, Writer, journalist, Terry Ashford

Exciting World of author, journalist, writer, publisher. Intriguing, Candid Snapshots and Views of life. Fresh & Unorthodox; Real & Authentic; Spoken truths with eloquence of Spirit, Soul, Love & Aspiration. Hope and Goodness That Prevails! Terry Dwayne Ashford, studied Management Information Systems at the University of Memphis, TN and Journalism at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. His work can be found published in the Atlanta Daily World Newspaper, The Southern Voice Newspaper, The Signal at Georgia State University, The Washington AFRO American Newspaper, The Baltimore AFRO American Newspaper, The Prince George’s Gazette, and Black Engineering and Technology Magazine.

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